Einstein brought this vision to fruition by way of a successful mathematical theory . 爱因斯坦以成功的数学理论的形式把这一预见变成了科学硕果。
Controls should remain workable in the face of changed plans, unforeseen circumstances, or outright failures . 控制应在计划改变,不能预见形势或完全失败时仍然可用。
As harry london had forecast, brookside's d-day caught many meter-tampering offenders . 正如哈里伦敦预见到的那样,布鲁克赛德的D日行动抓住了不少非法改装仪表的人。
As she asked quick questions, she sensed his excitement at the prospect of a big breaking story . 当她亟亟发问时,她感觉到他因预见即将发布哄动的重大新闻而激动的心情。
The young karl marx, prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry . 年轻的卡尔马克思,有预见地觉察到了现代工业所引起的非人道的变换。
How shrewd and deep must be that mind that would foresee and forestall all the accidents and chances of life . 要能预见并且预防人生中的一切意外和机缘,头脑必须多么精明深邃才行啊。
The risks perceived by both equity owners and debt owners increase and so the required return by both rises as well . 股票持有人与债券持有人预见到的风险增大,两者要求的报偿随之增加。
The most careful observation of one developing caterpillar will not help us to predict its transformation into a butterfly . 对一个正在成长的毛虫进行最仔细的观察也不能使我们预见它变成蝴蝶。
Many contractors will overestimate the costs in order to hedge against unforeseen problems that may arise during construction . 很多承包商将过高估计造价,以防备在施工期间可能发生的不可预见的问题。
He foresaw that the japanese would multiply and grasp for political power in a way that the more easygoing chinese never would . 他预见到日本人将会以比较随遇而安的华人决不会采取的方式染指和争夺政权。