- 梦 dream
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 预见 predict; foresee; anticipate ...
- 合理的预见 reasonable foresee ability; reasonable foreseeability
- 超人的预见力 second sight
- 和我们的预见相反 contrary to our expectations
- 人口统计学上的预见 demographic forecasts
- 梦的 oneiric; oniric; somnial; somniative
- 预见 (能预料到将来) predict; foresee; anticipate; see beyond; see beforehand 这是可以预见到的。 this can be predicted.2.(能预先料到将来的见识) foresight; prevision; second sight 缺乏预见 lack foresight; 和我们的预见相反 contrary to our expectations; 那个人竟然知道我们的到来, 他一定是有所预见。 the man must have second sight to know our arrival
- 多梦的 dreamful; dreamy
- 解梦的 oneirocritical
- 似梦的 alice-in-wonderland
- 无梦的 dreamless
- 析梦的 oneirocritic
- 致梦的 oneirogenic
- 噩梦的 nightmare
- 多梦的, 常做梦的 dreamful
- 可预见 foreseeable
- 预见,预报 forecast noun
- 预见,预言 predict v. see or describe a future happening in advance
- 预见;预想 foresight
- 预见的 forethought
- 预见力 foresight n. ability to see into the future; foresight n. ability to see into the future; predicting
- 预见期 forecast lead time; forecast time; leading time
- 预见性 anticipation; foreseeability; foresight n; predictability