稿 名词1.[书面语] (谷类植物的茎)stalk of grain; straw2.(稿子) draft; sketch 草稿 rough draft; 画稿 a painter's sketch; 这不过是个初稿。 this is only a first draft.3.(外发公文的草稿) manuscript; original text 拟稿 make a manuscript; 底稿 original copy of a published article; 定稿 finalize a text
" well , " he says , " there s excuse for picks and letting - on in a case like this ; if it warn t so , i wouldn t approve of it , nor i wouldn t stand by and see the rules broke - because right is right , and wrong is wrong , and a body ain t got no business doing wrong when he ain t ignorant and knows better “嗯, ”他说, “拿这样一件事情来说,镐头和只当是是情有可原。要不是这样,我就不会赞成,也不会站在一旁,眼看规矩遭到破坏因为对就是对,错就是错。一个人如果有知识,有识别的能力,就不会干错事。
Ben , in his long , lonely wanderings about the island , had found the skeleton - it was he that had rifled it ; he had found the treasure ; he had dug it up it was the haft of his pickaxe that lay broken in the excavation ; he had carried it on his back , in many weary journeys , from the foot of the tall pine to a cave he had on the two - pointed hill at the north - east angle of the island , and there it had lain stored in safety since two months before the arrival of the hispaniola 长期孤身流浪在海岛上的本葛恩发现了那副骨架,并把它身边的东西搜掠一空。发现宝藏的也是他,他把金银财宝都掘了出来坑里留下的镐头断柄就是他的,把财宝扛着从大松树下搬到海岛东北角双峰山上的一个洞穴里。不知返了多少越,终于在伊斯班袅拉号抵达前两个月把所有的宝藏都安全运到那里。