Skin / hair : anti - inflammatory , antiseptic , astringent , helps wounds and scars to heal ; very good for dry and mature skin , used for wrinkles 皮肤/毛发:抵抗煸动性,杀菌,收敛,帮助伤口和伤痕愈合,对干燥和成熟的皮肤非常地好,用作防皱纹。
Add sugar , vinegar and red bayberry juice to soup stock and heat over a moderate heat to make a spicy sauce , thicken with cornstarch and pour over the meat balls 锅留底油,下辣椒块煸炒出辣味,下肉丁青豆香菇丁翻炒几下勾薄芡出锅即可。
Leave a little oil in the wok , put in the chillies and saute until the flavor comes out , drop in the diced pork , soybeans and mushrooms , toss , thicken with cornstarch solution 锅留底油,下辣椒块煸炒出辣味,下肉丁青豆香菇丁翻炒几下勾薄芡出锅即可。
Put soup stock , salt , msg , cordyceps , ginseng slices , wolfberry fruit and minced ginger in a pan and season , pour into the bowl and steam for two hours 冬菇火腿青椒切成方粒,炒锅上火,放入100克花生油,烧至2成热放入松子,保持油温,将松子仁煸透并炸至金黄色。
Saute chopped garlic , drop in the mushrooms , bamboo shoots and stir - fry ; pour in the spicy saute , bring to the boil , add cornstarch solution , put in the clam meat and toss a few times 蒜末下油锅稍煸,下冬笋香菇翻炒,然后下卤汁烧开勾芡,下蚌肉翻炒几下出锅即可。
Nip the ends off the mung bean sprouts . season some oil with minced scallion and ginger , drop in the sprouts and green peppers , stir - fry quickly , thicken with cornstarch solution 放姜葱末呛锅后,下去掉根部的豆芽和香菇丝快速度煸炒,烹料酒米醋,下肉丝翻炒,勾芡装盘即成。
Fry some minced ginger quickly in a wok in hot oil , pour in tomato ketchup and saute out red oil , add condiments and cornstarch solution , drop in the shrimp balls and roll them in the sauce 姜末呛锅,放蕃茄酱煸出红油,再放调料勾芡,最后将虾球倒入裹匀浓汁后,起锅装盘即成。
The finished dish should look like a blooming flower . this dish is specially prepared by the gongde lin the forest of merit and virtue resturant and has proven itself a favorite with many diners , hence its name 再把各料下锅煸炒,加料酒酱油白糖盐味精调好味后,勾芡淋香油装盘即成。
Remove to a casserole , add anise , wild pepper , salt , tomato ketchup , and soup stock , stew till the seasonings permeate , remove , wrap in the lotus leaf , steam till soft and tender , take out , sprinkle with pepper 下8成热油锅中炸熟捞出,锅中留底油,放葱姜煸出香味,加入盐糖酱油,下膳丝,烹黄酒装盘,撒蒜泥少许。