

  • business credit
  • commercial credit
  • commercial standing
  • mercantile credit
  • trade combination



  • 例句与用法
  • Established credit rating companies can help you assess your partner s financial soundness . throughout the partnership , continued monitoring can be helpful in avoiding problems that could lead to non payment or supply failures
  • Because of the need of avoiding risks , instruments became popular when commercial credit appeared in the form of contract which could fix rights and liabilities between creditors and debtors
  • Since the personal burden mechanism and national burden mechanism are different , our country should adopt the american ownership safe system and lead into business standing the registration system
  • Instrument can negotiable among parties concerned through indorsement . as the times of indorsement increase , credit of negotiable instruments also accumulates so that commercial credit develops further
  • The commercial credit operation system has opened a new way for the enterprise to finance . it caused the enterprise expand its production under the premise of honesty , and realized the economic efficiency enhancement
  • Only when a kind of credit system runs based on the nation credit and with the bank credit as the media , together with a reasonable and inter - stimulative structure between business credit and consumer credit can the economy be affected positively
  • The essay focus on the judgement of commercial credit standard with blurred maths methods , evaluates the fund credit level of customers who sell on credit , so as to effectively control the credit risk taken to enterprises by bad credit customers
  • Statistical description shows capital resource of listed agribusinesses : external capital is mainly obtained by access to stock market , next the financial institutions and commercial credit , and little by bond market
  • There are a lot of the fund - raising ways of enterprises , such as issue stocks , issue securities , lease , bank borrowed money , retaining incomes , commercial credit etc . every way costs certain cost and certain redemption risk exists
  • The main function of the letter of credit is that a bank issues it for the buyer , involving bank ' s credit into the both sides of buyer and seller , substituting bank ' s credit for commercial credit , in order to solve the problem of no - confidence between buyer and seller
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 商业信用的法语:crédit commercial
  • 商业信用什么意思商业信用 基本解释:在商品交易中采取延期付款或预付货款方式而相互提供的信用。它是商品经济中最早产生的信用形式。商业信用一般表现为记帐信用和票据信用两种形式。
  • 推荐英语阅读
商业信用的英文翻译,商业信用英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译商业信用,商业信用的英文意思,商業信用的英文商业信用 meaning in English商業信用的英文商业信用怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
