

  • bidirectional transmission
  • bipolartransmission
  • two way transmission
  • two-way transmission



  • 例句与用法
  • In this paper the communication and collecting data and the design of software and hardware are elaborated . in the construction of network , this system adopt both direction circle redundancy network . making use of its advantage can transfer data by both direction , so without reference to anyone node has error that can not affect natural working
    在网络拓扑结构上本系统采用双向环形冗余网络(双环形以太网) ,利用双向环形冗余网的特点可以双向传输数据,因此不论任何一个节点出现问题都不会影响正常的工作状态,假设在某一方向出现了问题可以通过另一方向传输数据,这样就更增加系统的实时性、稳定性。
  • We study the cost of metro wdm in two aspects in chapter 2 . for the aspect of components , a bidirectional optical add - drop multiplexer ( boadm ) using fiber gratings and circulators is designed , and is cheaper , simple and appropriate compenent for single - fiber bidirectional ring networks ( sfbrn ) . for the aspect of network , after study the traffic - grooming problem and the cost of wdm ring networks , a layered network with a multi - hubs is presented to reduce the total number of the network ports
    在第三章,我们搭建了一个可以实现多业务单纤双向传送的sdh wdm网络平台,以单根50km光纤作为物理媒质,以mux demux的为单纤双向复用器件,以sdh wdm为传输手段,采用mstp技术,通过接入vlan模块建成一个单纤双向传输的局域网,并以此为基础通过接入图像编解码器实现单纤双向视频传输,为城域宽带接入网的多业务实现提供了范例。
  • Making use of the powerful capabilities of the pci chip , high - speed data of the dsp platform are transferred both ways at dma mode , and low speed data such as initialization and configuration information are transferred at direct slave mode . this paper shows in detail the workings of pci9054 , the configuration of its control register , and the writing of platform driver with api functions provided by the manufacturer
  • According to the demand of emergency monitoring , the selected and prepared equipments should have fast response to pollutants , gain of the accurate monitoring data , analysis , judgement forecast of pollution tendency , two - way transmission of audio - visual information , as well as safety control and protection function
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 双向传输的日语:バイポーラ伝送 ゆうきょくでんそう バイポーラでんそう りょうほうこうでんそう ふくりゅうでんそう ふくりゅうしきでんそう
  • 推荐英语阅读
双向传输的英文翻译,双向传输英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译双向传输,双向传输的英文意思,雙向傳輸的英文双向传输 meaning in English雙向傳輸的英文双向传输怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
