You must stop when signalled to do so by a school crossing patrol showing a hand - held stop sign 当学校交通安全队手持停车标志指示车辆停车时,你必须停车。
You can drive these distances on wide , safe roads that have no traffic signals and no stop signs 你可以在没有交通指示也没有停车标志的宽阔安全的路上行驶。
The no stopping signs may also apply to certain classes of vehicle such as , goods vehicles or taxis 有时不准停车标志只管制若干类别的车辆,例如货车或的士。
You can drive these distances on wide , safe roads that have no traffic signals and no stop signs 你可以在宽广,安全的道路上行驶这么远,且不会见到任何交通信号和停车标志。
The stop sign and road markings - you must stop at the line even if there is no traffic on the major road 停车标志及道路标记即使大路上并无其他车辆,你也必须在停车前停车。
If there is a stop sign , stop even if there is no traffic coming . stop at the line , not over it 如路上有停车标志,即使没有车辆驶来,也应停车,并停在停车前,不可驶越停车才停车。
Warning sign showing the distance to the stop line . this sign is used when the view of the junction is restricted 这警告标志说明前面100米有必须停车标志,这标志预置于视程受限及不足的路口前。
Where there is a single solid yellow line and no stopping signs with time plates - do not stop on the days or in the time periods shown 如路旁划上单行黄色实,并设有连同时间牌的不准停车标志,切勿在牌上所示的时间内停车。
The no stopping ban will be marked at the beginning and end by signs with smaller no stopping signs repeated at intervals along the road 不准停车限制区的起点和终点,都设有这种标志,沿途每隔一段路程,并设有较小的不准停车标志。
For example , the result of the query find all the red things " may contain a cherry , a flag , and a stop sign , each with a different internal structure 例如, “ find all the red things ”的查询结果也许包含樱桃、旗帜和停车标志,每个都有不同的内部结构。