停车 1.(车辆停留或停止行驶) stop; pull up 下一站停车十分钟。 at the next station we'll have a ten-minute stop.2.(停放车辆) park 此处不准停车! no parking!3.(机器停止转动) stall; stop working; engine cutout; motor stoppage; power-off; 停车保养 shut-down maintenance; 停车标志 parking sign; 停车场 parking lot; ground parking; parking; car park; parking area; 停车规则 parking ordinance; (短时) 停车收费计 waiting meter; 停车位置 on-position; 停车信号灯 dimmer
列车按计划时刻表的运行 contemplated schedule movements of trains
After the emergency stop button has been pressed , the machine is immediately stopped . the control box remains under voltage . each movement is prevented until the emergency stop button is unlocked 在紧急停车按钮被按之后,机器立即停止运动.控制箱保持电压,每个运动被阻止.直到紧急停车按钮被释放
On the bridge main engine instrument board , there is main engine cooling water thermometer , lub oil pressure gauge , main engine revolution indicator , main engine emergency shutdown pushbutton , and there is audible and visual alarm device for main engine lub oil low pressure , cooling water high temperature , gear box lub oil low working pressure 本船驾驶室主机仪表板设有主机冷却水温表、滑油压力表、主机转速表、主机应急停车按钮,并具有主机滑油压力低、冷却水高温、齿轮箱滑油工作压力低的声光报警装置。