cassandra prophet seer soothsayer
I see howard beale as a latter - day prophet 我把霍华德看成是一个现代的预言家 Known to millions as the mad profit of the airwaves 众所周知的“空中疯狂预言家 ” He was a prophet . he prophesied many things 他是个预言家 。他预言了许多事情。 Known to millions as the mad profit of the airwaves . . 众所周知的“空中疯狂预言家 ” Known to millions as the mad profit of the airwaves . . 众所周知的“空中疯狂预言家 ” Hence , she was known as a seeress and prophetess 因此,她是知名的女预言家 和女先知。 This is ruby the psychic , ruby the night owl 这里是预言家 鲁比,夜猫子鲁比 People flocked to hear the new prophet 人们成群地去听那位新的预言家 演讲。 A young warrior once consulteda seer 一位年轻的勇士曾经问过一个预言家 You are right on perhaps you should become a fortune teller 你说对了,或许你能成为预言家
预言家的法语 :prophèt预言家的韩语 :예언자预言家的俄语 :pinyin:yùyánjiā предсказатель, прорицатель, пророк, ясновидец запродажа