The newspaper of the wizarding world is called the daily prophet 巫师世界有份报纸叫做《预言家日报》 。
I write for the daily prophet 为《预言家日报》写稿的
Typically , the prophet is delivered each morning by owl post ( ps5 , gf28 , op12 , hbp11 ) 通常的情况, 《预言家日报》每天早晨由邮递猫头鹰来派送。
Ginny becomes a professional quidditch player and then sportswriter for the daily prophet 金妮先是当了一名职业魁地奇球手,退役后成为《预言家日报》的一名体育记者
All six “ musketeers ” are together in the hospital wing as hermione reads the daily prophet ( op38 ) 当赫敏读《预言家日报》的时候( op38 ) ,六个“火枪手”都在校医院里。
The prophet is not the only publication in the wizarding world , but it is almost certainly the most widely read 《预言家日报》不是巫师世界唯一的刊物,但它被肯定是读者最广泛的。
The [ i ] prophet [ / i ] is not the only publication in the wizarding world , but it is almost certainly the most widely read 《预言家日报》不是巫师世界唯一的刊物,但它被肯定是读者最广泛的。
In their fifth year , lavender initially believed the daily prophet ' s insinuations about harry , but hermione shut her up ( op12 ) 在第五年,拉文德一开始相信了《预言家日报》上对哈利的讥讽,但赫敏让她闭上了嘴。
Rookwood - augustus rookwood , one of the ten , " convicted of leaking ministry of magic secrets to he - who - must - not - be - named " ( from the daily prophet article , op25 ) 卢克伍德? ?奥古斯特?卢克伍德,十人组之一, “向那个连名字也不能提的人泄漏魔法部机密” (自《凤凰社》第25章的《预言家日报》文章) 。
Unfortunately , the prophet does not seem to have a lot of journalistic integrity , as is clear from the fact that rita skeeter wrote for it regularly until the spring of y15 不幸的是, 《预言家日报》似乎没有很多正直的记者,因为直到y15的春天( 1996年)丽塔?斯基特客观的报导,这个事件才得以澄清。