

音标:[ gǎotou ]   发音:
  • pick; pickaxe



  • 例句与用法
  • The doctor , with the pick - axe , demolished one of them , and then we all got aboard the other , and set out to go round by sea for north inlet
  • They did not talk much . they were too much absorbed in hating themselves - hating the ill luck that made them take the spade and the pick there
  • Injun joe got up and went about from window to window cautiously peeping out . presently he said : " who could have brought those tools here
    印第安乔站起身来,在窗户间来回走动,小心地观察着外面的动静,随即他说道: “谁会把锹和镐头拿到这里呢?
  • " huck finn , did you ever hear of a prisoner having picks and shovels , and all the modern conveniences in his wardrobe to dig himself out with
    他说: “哈克芬,你难道听说过有一个囚犯用铁铣和镐头,以及衣柜里的所有现代工具,用来挖地道逃出来的么?
  • And i wouldn t like it to get out ; but there ain t only just the one way : we got to dig him out with the picks , and let on it s case - knives .
    这当然是不对的,也不道德,我也不喜欢靠了这个逃出去不过如今也只有一条路了。我们只能用镐头挖,把他给弄出去,只当是用小刀挖的。 ”
  • It might answer for you to dig jim out with a pick , without any letting on , because you don t know no better ; but it wouldn t for me , because i do know better
  • The doctor sent back gray for one of the pickaxes , deserted , in their flight , by the mutineers ; and then as we proceeded leisurely down hill to where the boats were lying , related , in a few words , what had taken place
  • On the street sometimes she would see men working - irishmen with picks , coal - heavers with great loads to shovel , americans busy about some work which was a mere matter of strength - and they touched her fancy
  • The other men were variously burthened ; some carrying picks and shovels - for that had been the very first necessary they brought ashore from the hispaniola - others laden with pork , bread , and brandy for the midday meal
  • What i want is my nigger ; or what i want is my watermelon ; or what i want is my sunday - school book ; and if a pick s the handiest thing , that s the thing i m a - going to dig that nigger or that watermelon or that sunday - school book out with ; and i don t give a dead rat what the authorities thinks about it nuther .
    我要的是我的黑奴,或者要的是我的西瓜,或者我的主日学校的书。如果镐头是最容易弄到手的东西,我便用它来挖那个黑奴,或者那只西瓜,或者那本主日学校的书。至于那些赫赫有名的人物怎么个看法,我才不管呢。 ”
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