Specification for hook spanners , peg spanners , coupling wrenches and the related slots , holes and horns 钩形扳手销子扳手连接扳手和相关的槽孔和柄臂规范
The motorman thrown forward , pugnosed , on the guidewheel , yells as he slides past over chains and keys 他一边滑也似的驶过去,一边从轮锁与销子上面叫喊。司机
The vanes are hold in place without pin , clamp or bolt , so it is able to be replaced and maintained quickly 叶片不用销子、夹具和螺栓固定,更容易维修和更换。
All pins and loose details are to be attached to the fixture base and provided with a means of retention for storage 所有销子和松散件要附在检具底座上并提供保贮方法
Building hardware - simple 150 vertical mortice fitted safety locks , type " chubb " or with cylinders 建筑用五金. " chubb "型或带有圆筒销子的简易150号配有安全锁的立式插锁
Diab has many manufacturing plants as sweden , usa , italy , australia , lithuania and thailand , also has nine operating subsidiaries in danmark , france , germany , norway and england etc . and strategically located distributors around the world so that it can offer close support to its global customer 除此而外,在丹麦,法国,德国,挪威和英国等拥有9个分销子公司和一些指定地点的代理机构,给全球的客户提供近距离的服务。
Putting on their gloves all set to work in a row in front of the press , an erection formed of two posts connected by a cross - beam , under which the sheaves to be drawn from were laid ears outward , the beam being pegged down by pins in the uprights , and lowered as the sheaves diminished 她们戴上手套,在机器的前面站成一排,就开始工作了。机器是由两条腿支撑起来的架子,两条腿中间用一个横梁连接起来,下面放着一束束麦草,麦穗朝外,横梁用销子钉在柱子上,随着麦束越来越少,横梁也就越降越低。