Effective relief from : sunburns , minor cuts , and burns , bites , chaffing , cold sores , rash and skin irritations . a soothing moisturizer for sensitive skin 芦荟帮助皮肤销住水份,芦荟亦能舒缓受到刺激的皮肤,并促进轻微烫伤和伤口的复原。
The cb scheme is of great assistance to manufacturers and exporters who want to market their electrical products in markets participating in the cb scheme and which therefore need national test marks 电器产品如要销售往各个已参与cb认证计划的市场,必须贴上国家测试标记,因此, cb认证计划能大大帮助有意把产品销住这些市场的制造和出口商。