Marriages of consequence, and none but those, will be hailed with joyful peals . 重要的婚姻,也只有重要的婚姻才会用欢快的钟声庆祝。
Indeed, the bells were tolling, the people were trooping into the handsome church . 真的,钟声响了,人们成群结队走进富丽堂皇的教堂。
The chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high clear over her gables and cupola . 栗树开花,钟声清晰地高高飘过山墙和圆屋顶。
The sound of public bells rouses the most secluded abode, as if with a call to be gay . 大钟声惊醒了最幽僻的人家,仿佛在号召大家欢乐起来。
It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and i began to cry, simultaneously . 据说那一会儿,当当的钟声和我呱呱的啼声,恰好同时并作。
I sat staring at the clock for some time, and its ticking began to irritate me . 我坐着望了一会钟,滴答滴答的钟声叫我心烦意乱,便走出屋子。
Those whirling circles one above the other are worse than the jangling of all the bells . 这些一个比一个高的旋转的圆圈,真有比齐鸣的钟声还要坏。
Its clock would have told the hour of midnight as the party set forth on their expedition . 它的钟声也许已告诉人们,这几个人出去探险的时候正是午夜。
The moment the bells stopped, those banked masses broke and poured over the line like a vast black wave, and for as much as a half-hour it continued to flow, and then it solidified itself . 钟声一停止,那群堆千积万的人就四分五散,好象一片黑色的洪涛巨浪,冲到那个防线里来,继续奔流了半个钟头之久,这才又凝固起来。
A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer 天使经钟用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声