国际慈善社 caritas internationalis -- international confederation of catholic organization for charitable and social action; caritas internationalis __ international confederation of catholic organization for charitable and social action; cicc
国际天主教慈善社联合会 international confederation of catholic organizations for charities and social
钟声 bell rings; carillon; chimb; ding; jhankar; jow; knell; knoll; los campanilleros; peal; the bell; toll
慈善 charitable; benevolent; philanthropic 慈善为怀 cherish charity; 慈善机关 charitable institution [organization]; 慈善家 philanthropist; 慈善慕捐舞会 charity ball; 慈善事业 charities; good works; philanthropy; 慈善收养院 hospital; 慈善堂 house of mercy; 慈善学校 charity school