The trees and houses on the back yard quietly ? take the on and off of the winter sun 后院纷乱的树和房屋也在时明时暗的朝阳下散漫着冬日平静的气氛。
Most of them accepted this position because otherwise they could not have survived in that chaotic world of the west 大部分妇女都接受这些,否则她们就不能在这纷乱的西方世界中生存。
Our very best wishes to you all , especially in a time when peace is no longer to be taken for granted 最后,非常感谢所有曾经出力帮助的朋友们,在这个暴戾纷乱的大环境里,祝大家平安大吉!
He ' s beginning his last week as defense chief while visiting soldiers and marines in troubled anbar province 在任职的最后一周,拉姆斯菲尔德在纷乱的阿冈巴省慰问陆军士兵和海军陆战队队员。
Such vehicles would hamper operations if they started swanning about in the midst of a swirling , hit - and - run tank fight 如果这些车辆在纷乱的、打了就跑的坦克战中到处行驶,它们就会妨碍作战。
A film without a word , balancing and shaking made of slides and ambient sounds , it retraces a walk through a big city 没有对白的录像只有摇摆不定的画面,以及纷乱的环境声让我们重新探索这大城市。
This is perhaps the darkest and most disturbing aspect of modern civilization - its ignorance and repressiong of who we really are 这或许是现代文明最黑暗最纷乱的一面? ?对“我们到底是谁”的无知和压抑。
Shevchenko ' s people have guarded him carefully during this tumultuous season , and he has given few interviews to the english - language press 舍甫琴科身边的人们在这个纷乱的赛季里对他保护得很仔细,他只接受过很少几次英国媒体的专访。
Although faced with a tumultuous off season , lamar has been able to keep his head held high and his ego in check as the 2007 - 2008 season rolls on 尽管在上赛季后面对纷乱的交易风波,但是在07 - 08赛季到来时候喇嘛仍然坚持高调前进和保持自我!
Our earlier disappointment at not being able to see master in thailand was replaced by peace and contentment , for we knew that master was with us nonetheless 原本大家因为无法去看师父而纷乱的心情,一时全定了下来,因为我们知道师父与我们同在!