

  • organic farming



  • 例句与用法
  • Fvmcs ? community grower group office ( cggo ) conducts regular or un - notified visits and inspections to the participating farms in order to ensure the regulation and organic farming is being implemented
    菜联社有机种植社群办公室(下称cggo )以定期或突击方式到出菜农场探访及巡查,以确保有关规定得以贯彻执行及有关农场是进行有机耕作
  • Too rigid an insistence on organic farming ' s somewhat arbitrary rules , then ? copper , a heavy metal , can be used as an organic fungicide because it is traditional ? can actually hinder the adoption of greener agricultural techniques
  • But anthony trewavas , a biochemist at the university of edinburgh , counters that organic farming actually requires more energy per tonne of food produced , because yields are lower and weeds are kept at bay by ploughing
  • The afcd launched the organic farming conversion scheme in december 2000 with the aims of providing a new production opportunity for local vegetable farmers , and offering an additional choice of fresh vegetables to local consumers
  • Colleges also play an important role . each college has its own environmental committee . colleges organize activities like inter - hostel competitions , workshops , recycling campaigns , field trips , organic farming , and exhibitions
  • Expediting the implementation of the organic farming conversion scheme , establishing a regulatory labelling system for organic produce and opening up sales and marketing channels , so as to promote the development of organic farming in hong kong
    加快推行"有机耕作转型计划" ,并设立有规范的有机农产品标签制度,以及拓展营销渠道,推动本地有机耕种业的发展
  • Because of the diverse requirement of organic vegetables , the market encourages the communication between consumers and farms , comparison , feedback as well as studying status of the farms from the opened farm profiles
  • Major events in the year include organic farming conversion scheme , opening of endangered species resource centre , avian influenza incidents , artificial reefs programme , designation of tung ping chau marine park , and country parks festival
  • The secretary for health , welfare and food , dr yeoh eng - kiong , met a number of farmers taking part in agriculture , fisheries and conservation department s ( afcd ) organic farming conversion scheme today ( february 10 ) to understand their operation
  • Anyone who says he lost nothing to mildew is lying , but generally it was the better - managed and more financially able estates that did best , and the lesser generic estates that sometimes lost entire hectares of production
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有机耕作的法语:agriculture biologique
  • 有机耕作的韩语:유기농업
  • 有机耕作的俄语:органическое земледелие
  • 有机耕作什么意思:[organic farming] 又称有机园艺(organic gardening)。 用生物学方法施肥和防治病虫害来代替化学肥料和杀虫剂的作物耕种方法。有机耕作法的支持者认为,化学肥料和杀虫剂有害健康,且污染环境,不是良好的收成所必需。有机耕作法有意识地摒弃现代农业化学技术,起源于20世纪30年代,由英国农业科学家A.霍华德爵士所采用。各种的有机物质,包括动物粪肥、堆肥、草皮、秸秆和其他作物残...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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