Standard specification for topsoil used for landscaping purposes 园林设计用耕作层土标准规范
A study on the variation and forecasting models of groundwater level and draining waterlogging in cultivated soil layers in the jianghuai valley 江淮流域地下水位变化规律及预报模型与耕作层排渍模型研究
And we found the model of moisture changing is " reduction - - - stabilization - - - reduction " while the former researchers " result is linearly reduction or reduction after a steady period 我们提出的土壤接纳降水后的土壤水分的变化模式是“递减? ?稳定? ?再递减” ,特别是紫色土坡耕地的耕作层土壤水分明显符合此模式变化。
Article 32 the local people ' s governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land , poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration 第三十二条县级以上地方人民政府可以要求占用耕地的单位将所占用耕地耕作层的土壤用于新开垦耕地、劣质地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。
( 2 ) after a rainfall , the soil moisture in the plot iii was the highest , it was 21 . 33 % , and that of in the plot ii was the lowest ; meanwhile the conservation ability of the soil in the plot iii was the highest , that of in the plot ii was the lowest 第1 、 2小区产生的泥沙量也大于其余两个小区。 ( 2 )在一次降雨后的湿润条件下,第3区的土壤耕作层含水量最高,为21 . 33 ;第4区次之,第2区最低。
Test results have shown that the cultivable layer made of the filter cake of tailings mixed with appropriate coal ash powder , after one years fertilization and cultivation , can be used for planting crops and their production can pass that of the same local crops , which proves a good cultivation result 试验结果表明,尾矿滤饼添加适量粉煤灰的耕作层经过一年的培肥熟化后,即可种植农作物,其产量超过了当地同种农作物的产量,耕作效果良好。
The available phosphorus contents of the run - off from the plot iii and plot iv were higher than that of other two plots " run - off . the nutriments of sediments from the four plots were higher than the nutriments of soil in the plots . the plot ii and plot iv had the higher enrichness degree of total nitrogen than the other two plots ; the available nitrogen enrichness of sediments from plot iv was the highest , that of from plot illwas the lowest ; the available phosphorus enrichness of sediments from plot iv was the highest , that of from plot illwas the lowest ; the available potassium enrichness of sediments from plot ivwas the highest , that of from plot ii was the lowest 泥沙各种养分含量均高于小区内耕作层土壤中的相应养分含量,表现为:第2 、 4小区的流失土壤全氮养分富集度高于其余两个小区;第4小区流失土壤有效氮富集度最高,第2小区次之,而第1小区和第3小区的流失土壤有效氮含量与区内耕层土壤相似;各小区流失土壤中速效磷富集度为第4小区最大,第3小区最小;而第4小区耕层土壤中在流失过程中速效钾西南农业大学二oo二届硕士学位论文一积累量最大。