

音标:[ yǒushǐyǒuzhōng ]   发音:
  • have a beginning and an end; carry sth. through to the end; finish what was started; once started, carry to the finish -- steadfast to the end.; prosecute to the end; from beginning to end; well begun, well ended



  • 例句与用法
  • Nations will rise and fall . wars will be lost and won . lives will begin and end , but a true friend is eternal
    (国家有兴有亡,战争有输有赢,生命有始有终,挚友才是永恒。 )
  • Then ask yourself , " can i count on myself to follow through with this commitment , with 100 - percent compliance
    然后问自己: “我能指望自己对这个承诺有始有终, 100 %的遵守吗?
  • The exercising of the human spirit can take many forms , and the simple act of cleaning up after oneself is one of them
  • In the work , we persisted seen through hard work , responsibility seriously and actively participate in school activities in the social practice , strong interpersonal skills , the institute has repeatedly planning large cultural activities and sports
  • While the authorities have been reluctant to return to the mainland those who might suffer political persecution there , they regularly deport to the mainland , under provisions of the mainland relations act , those mainlanders who illegally enter the island for economic reasons
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有始有终的日语:〈成〉終わりを全うする.終始一貫している. 做事应该集中全部精力,有始有终/仕事をするには,全力を集中して最後までやり遂げなければならない.
  • 有始有终的韩语:【성어】 시작도 있고 끝도 있다; 시종일관하다. 유종의 미를 거두다. 工作应该有始有终, 不应该半途而废; 일을 시작했으면 끝을 봐야지, 중도에 그만두어서는 안 된다 =[有头有尾] [有根有梢(儿)] [有始有卒] [有首尾(2)]
  • 有始有终的俄语:pinyin:yǒushǐyǒuzhōng 1) последовательный; законченный, завершённый, стройный 2) с начала до конца
  • 有始有终什么意思:yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng 【解释】有开头也有收尾。指做事能坚持到底。 【出处】《魏书·袁翻传》:“伏愿天地成造,有始有终,矜臣疲病,乞臣骸骨。” 【示例】同学之间要~地保持友好关系。 【拼音码】ysyz 【灯谜面】厕所挂铃 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语、状语;含褒义 【英文】carry something through to the end
  • 推荐英语阅读
有始有终的英文翻译,有始有终英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有始有终,有始有终的英文意思,有始有終的英文有始有终 meaning in English有始有終的英文有始有终怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
