- 未 did not; have not
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 终结 finality; final; end; final ...
- 未有 miyu
- 一切美好的事物皆有终结之时 all good things come to an end
- 终结 finality; final; end; final stage; wind up; end up◇终结符 terminal symbol; termination symbol; 终结帐簿 book of final entry;终结帐户 terminal account; close an account; 终结执行 [法律] termination of execution
- 葛原 未有 miyuu tsuzurahara
- 未有效 not yet in effect
- 爱有始有终 expanations of love
- 没有终止(结束) no to end to us
- 有始有终 have a beginning and an end; carry sth. through to the end; finish what was started; once started, carry to the finish -- steadfast to the end.; prosecute to the end; from beginning to end; well begun, well ended
- 从未有过 have no precedent
- 从未有过的 unprecedente
- 葛原未有 kuzuhara miyu
- 空前未有 be unprecedented; without parallel; it has never been known before...: 我们必须利用一切条件, 以空前未有的速度发展我国国民经济。 we must turn everything to account in order to develop our national economy at a rate never known before in our history
- 旷古未有 never seen in past history; unprecedented in history
- 目前未有的 be currently not available
- 前所未有 hitherto unknown; such as never previously existed; unprecedented 前所未有的盛况 an unprecedentedly grand occasion; 遇到前所未有的困难 encounter greater difficulties than ever
- 前所未有的 unheard of
- 未有完婚 marriage not consummated
- 亘古未有 unprecedented; never heard of from time immemorial; there has never been any from time immemorial down to the present day.; there was none ever since the beginning of the age.: 这是中国历史上亘古未有的奇绩。 this is a wonderful achievement without precedent in chinese history
- ik终结 ik terminator
- 单终结 single ended
- 罚款;终结 fine (l03/d05); fine (l03/d05)
- 结束,终结 finish up