无 not have; there is not; be w ...无事的 unoccupied无事故 accident free; incident free; incident-free; zero defects无事忙 much ado about nothing无事平 mujihei无事生 mujio安全无事 out of harms-way赋闲无事 idleness今日无事 nothing today没什么,无事 nothing平安无事 all is well.; on good terms; right as trivet; tranquillity and peace平安无事的 without incident平静无事的 eventless; uneventful太平无事 the world is at peace.; all in peace; all's quiet along [on] the potomac.; everything goes right.; everything is all right.; in perfect tranquillity; peace and tranquillity太平无事的 uneventful太平无事地 uneventfully恬漠无事 nonchalant and uneventful我无事不愁 i worry about everything无事奔忙 faff无事不成 nothing is impossible to a willing heart无事常相见 pianoversion无事烦恼 much ado about nothing无事故 无疵残 zerodefects无事故的 accident free; accident-free; faultless; foolproof; nonhazardous; trouble-free无事故竞赛 no accident contests
United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures . 若能团结,则在许多合作的计划中几乎无事 不能做到。 While jerusha was teaching malama, abner was free to explore the village . 耶鲁雅教玛拉念书时,艾布纳无事 可做,便到处走动。 When the secretaries are goofing off, you know the place has dry rot . 不管什么地方,大凡秘书们无事 可做了,那就说明快要收摊啦。 The winter had passed comfortably enough with the excuse of indifferent health . 冬天坦然无事 地过去了,用的借口是“健康久佳”。 The next two days in pamploma were quiet, and there were no more rows . 接下来那两天里,我们在潘普洛纳平静无事 ,没有再发生争吵。 "oh no, no danger", he said as indifferently as he could . “哦,没有,没有什么危险。”他说这话的时候尽可能装出一副泰然无事 的样子来。 If they are kept in an enclosure with nothing to do, they quickly become bored . 如果把它们圈在围场里无事 可做,它们很快就会变得厌烦起来了。 Even he had not foreseen the greedy eyes of the servants, who had little to do but look important . 他甚至没有料到那群奴才贪馋的目光,他们无事 可干,却神气十足。 It could not have been very easy to be right and careless with such a secret in her heart . 她心里怀着秘密,因此要使自己举止得体、装出一副坦然无事 的样子,实在很不容易。 It was another quiet, hot, untroubled day, the heat pressed heavily on the roof, stifling sound . 那是一个闷热的、平静无事 的日子,炎热的空气笼罩着屋顶,把一切声音都闷住了。
无事的俄语 :pinyin:wúshì 1) нет дела, нет работы; бездельный, праздный 2) без инцидента (осложнений, скандала); ничего не случилось; мирный, благополучный无事什么意思 : 1. 没有变故。 多指没有战事、灾异等。 ▶ 《礼记‧王制》: “天子无事, 与诸侯相见, 曰朝。” ▶ 郑玄 注: “事谓征伐。” ▶ 《史记‧平准书》: “ 汉 兴七十馀年之间, 国家无事。” ▶ 宋 曾巩 《本朝政要策‧契丹》: “自此边境去矢...