顿挫抑扬 rising and falling of tones; modulation in tone; cadence 顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。 cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm
抑扬顿挫 speak in measured tones; rising and falling in cadence; high and low (as in musical notes); intonation; modulation in tone; rhythmical 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫, 富有感情。 his recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling
She took no notice while he read by rote a solfa fable for her , plappering flatly 当他凭着记忆用没有抑扬的腔调呆板地背诵浅显的寓言45时,她还是不屑一顾:
The sounds from both packs melted into unison and broke apart again , but both were getting further away 这两队猎人追捕野兽的喊声汇合起来,抑扬婉转,但是这两种喊声都渐渐离得远了。
He began doing things with his engine , running her fast and slow as if to get some sort of tune out of her 他开始开动着他的发动机,有时紧,有时慢,仿佛他要开出个抑扬婉转的音乐来似的。
The complicated plot , the setback fate , the wavy emotion , the restrained and spreading reading are not easy to be understood for students 情节曲折,命运坎坷,情感波澜,阅读抑扬等名词抽象,学生不易理解。
A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot 扬抑抑扬格一种应用于抒情诗诗体中的音步,由两个轻音节夹在两个有节奏的重音之间构成,用于表示该音步的第一个和最后一个音节
Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb , strange words in heroic , and metaphors in iambic poetry 在上面所列举的词的种类中,我们可以看到复合词最常出现在酒神颂里,外来词最常出现在英雄诗里,隐喻最常出现在抑扬格诗歌里。
This quartet , comprised of high and low pitches , parallels the life of the family . it may not be a funny ride on the way , it is still a collaboration that requires every family member to fully paticipate in order to get through 这个四重奏有起有乐、抑扬顿锉,蕴含无穷韵味,正如人生一样,时而甘甜、时而酸苦,但却令人回味无穷。
In the choral portion the parode is the whole first statement of the chorus ; a stasimon , a song of the chorus without anapaests or trochees ; a commoe , a lamentation sung by chorus and actor in concert 合唱部分中进场歌是合唱队最开始的告白;和唱歌是合唱多所唱的一种没有抑抑扬格或扬抑格的诗行;哀歌是合唱队和演员齐唱的哀婉的歌曲。
This quartet , comprised of high and low pitches , parallels the life of the family . it may not be a funny ride on the way , it is still a collaboration that requires every family member to fully paticipate in order to get through 这个四重奏有起有乐、抑扬顿锉,蕴含无穷韵味,正如人生一样,时而甘甜、时而酸苦,但却令人回味无穷。
But in iambic verse , which models itself as far as possible on the spoken language , only those kinds of words are in place which are allowable also in an oration , i . e . the ordinary word , the metaphor , and the ornamental equivalent 但在抑扬格诗句里,由于这一类型其本身就可以用于口头言说,因此它用的词汇也只是在口语中使用的,比如日常词、隐喻词和修饰成分。
抑扬的俄语:pinyin:yìyáng 1) движение мелодии (вверх и вниз); повышаться и понижаться, переливы (о голосе) 2) фон. слабый и сильный слог (в стопе); безударный и ударный слоги (стопы) 3) ...