

音标:[ yìyáng ]   发音:
  • rise and fall; modulate



  • 例句与用法
  • She took no notice while he read by rote a solfa fable for her , plappering flatly
  • The sounds from both packs melted into unison and broke apart again , but both were getting further away
  • He began doing things with his engine , running her fast and slow as if to get some sort of tune out of her
  • The complicated plot , the setback fate , the wavy emotion , the restrained and spreading reading are not easy to be understood for students
  • A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot
  • Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb , strange words in heroic , and metaphors in iambic poetry
  • This quartet , comprised of high and low pitches , parallels the life of the family . it may not be a funny ride on the way , it is still a collaboration that requires every family member to fully paticipate in order to get through
  • In the choral portion the parode is the whole first statement of the chorus ; a stasimon , a song of the chorus without anapaests or trochees ; a commoe , a lamentation sung by chorus and actor in concert
  • This quartet , comprised of high and low pitches , parallels the life of the family . it may not be a funny ride on the way , it is still a collaboration that requires every family member to fully paticipate in order to get through
  • But in iambic verse , which models itself as far as possible on the spoken language , only those kinds of words are in place which are allowable also in an oration , i . e . the ordinary word , the metaphor , and the ornamental equivalent
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 抑扬的法语:intonation
  • 抑扬的日语:(声の)抑揚. 他唱的声调 shēngdiào 抑扬,有节奏 jiézòu 有感情/彼の歌は抑揚があり,リズミカルで感情がこもっている.
  • 抑扬的韩语:[명사] (1)억양. 가락의 고저(高低). (2)문세(文勢)의 기복(起伏). (3)칭찬과 헐뜯음. (4)부침(浮沈).
  • 抑扬的俄语:pinyin:yìyáng 1) движение мелодии (вверх и вниз); повышаться и понижаться, переливы (о голосе) 2) фон. слабый и сильный слог (в стопе); безударный и ударный слоги (стопы) 3) ...
  • 抑扬什么意思:yìyáng (声音)高低起伏。
  • 推荐英语阅读
抑扬的英文翻译,抑扬英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译抑扬,抑扬的英文意思,抑揚的英文抑扬 meaning in English抑揚的英文抑扬怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
