In the physics teaching of a middle school , we should show students the equivalent substitution thought and other scientific and researchful thoughts and methods , to promote the cultivation of student ' s abilities 在中学物理教学中应向学生展示等效替代思想等科学研究的思想和方法,以促进对学生能力的培养。
He twice served as china ' s envoy to the united states and in his diplomatic practice he developed rich thought on diplomacy including ideas of equal diplomacy , balance diplomacy and cultural diplomacy 他两次出任驻美公使,在长期外交实践中形成了一系列丰富的外交思想,主要包括平等外交思想、均势外交思想、文化外交思想等。
Thanks to the hard work of studying and practicing yoga including the technology , history , anatomy and philosophy , zhu lin received her teaching certification from the yoga alliance at yutao yoga studio 通过努力地学习和刻苦的实践,朱琳在瑜伽练习技能、解剖、历史、哲学思想等方面都取得了很大的进步,并获得了国际瑜伽联盟认可的教师资格证。
4 : architecture and landscape aesthetics of traditional public dramaturgic spaces and their future the theories of " dao ' affected ancient architectureof china deeply . the idea of " spirit " is a ever - lasting truth for ancient designers 4 ,四川传统观演建筑的美学和未来观演建筑设计论文通过分析“道”家思想等传统美学理论,总结出了四川传统观演建筑的审美特征。
Alum is a structure of the earth ' s surface impacted by people as a result of human activity and it reciprocates with people ' s requirements and ideas of land use . this thesis focuses on the relationship between alum and agri - culture 农地利用模式是人对土地施加影响而形成的地表格局,它是人的社会行为的结果,与人的需求、社会组织和土地利用思想等相互作用、相互影响。
The idea embodied fan zhong - yan ' s administration of local officials , the three " su " ' s rule by etiquette , wang an - shi ' s rule by law , and zhu xi ' s " three cardinal guides and five constant virtues " as specified in the confucian ethical code 范仲淹的吏治思想、 “三苏”对礼治的推崇、王安石“大明法度”的社会思想以及朱熹“三纲五常”的社会控制思想等凸显了宋代士大夫社会控制思想的时代特点。
In the light of the problems existing in the architectural design of chinese university library such as being shor of the modern concept , ignoring the sustainable development , and being deficient in the ecological design idea , etc . , this paper advances some corresponding suggestions and countermeasures 针对目前我国大学图书馆建筑设计中存在的缺少现代化理念、忽视可持续发展、缺乏生态设计思想等问题,提出了相应的建议与对策。
When i refer to american habit , thoughts , etc . , i intend some sort of qualification to precede the word , for frequently the difference between america and europe ( especially england ) will be one of degree , sometimes only of a small degree 当我提及美国式的习惯、思想等概念时,我意欲在"美国式的"这一词汇之前加上某种限定,因为欧美(尤其是英美)之间的差异往往只是程度上的差异而已,并且有时候仅仅只是微乎其微的一点程度差异而已。