I went through a silent struggle there at the airlines . 我在机场的售票处进行了一番思想斗争。
Doubtless there was a certain struggle and a certain relief . 毫无疑问,有过一番思想斗争,也如释重负。
It costs me a hard struggle, before christian humility conquered my sinful pride . 经过一番剧烈的思想斗争,基督徒那种恻隐之心才制服了我非份的自尊。
This, however, produced in me a reverse reaction--determined me to fight against such feudalistic ideology . 这却引起了反作用,它激发了我和封建思想斗争的决心。
I had terrible reflections upon my mind for many months, as i have already observed, on the account of my wicked and hardened life past . 正如前面所说,一连几个月,我心里进行着可怕的思想斗争,反省着过去的无动于衷的罪恶生活。
Such mental conflict was not always uppermost 这种思想斗争并非时时浮上心头。
Don ' t mind paul . he ' s still grappling with his conscience 别担心保罗,他正在思想斗争呢
I just wanted to tell the inner struggle of a person 我只是想讲一个人的思想斗争,我想每个人都会有的。
I just wanted to tell the inner struggle of a person 我只是想讲一个人的思想斗争,我想每个人都会有的。
What struggle was going on within him ? had he changed his mind about his man 他脑子里在进行着什么样的思想斗争呢?