

音标:[ niànjīng ]   发音:
  • recite or chant scriptures



  • 例句与用法
  • There was one bird in particular that came whenever the monk chanted sutras . it would perch on a branch near by and listen carefully
  • All the teachings and stories that i tell you are the personal experiences of me and my disciples . i don t get them by reading books or the scriptures
  • Sometimes he was seen to be sitting and eating meat . but when he turned around , one could only see him reciting the sutras . master laughs there was no sight of any meat
  • Shakyamuni buddha used to have a disciple who didn t sleep even at night . it seemed that he meditated in the day and chanted the sutras at night , until later his eyes almost became blind
  • You can even do the beads or recite a rosary , whatever ; but then you become too attached to those beads and that habit and you forget to concentrate here . master points to her wisdom eye
  • In the past , the monastery expenses and funds for the support of the monks mainly came from begging for alms , soliciting contributions , chanting scriptures , donations , business , and practicing usury
  • Sometimes , the pencak silat or the traditional malay sword dance is performed . to add gaiety to the joyful affair , the groom and his party are required to overcome humorous obstacles before being allowed to go in
  • You can t expect to read a book or sutra when you first go to school or after just a few days . you can t just have expectations and blame the teacher when you haven t learned the little that you have been taught
  • The key to a happy life , what does it really mean to you ? i thought that the only key to a happy life depends upon you and whether you live your life the way you want it . is this necessarily true
  • The kingdom of god is within us ; the god nature is within each sentient being . any great master would say the same thing , yet worldly people dont understand , then chant the scriptures daily without knowing their meaning
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 念经的法语:动 réciter ou lire des soutras;psalmodier
  • 念经的日语:読経する.経文を唱える. 念完了经打和尚 héshang /お経が済んだら坊主を殴る.用が済んだら邪魔者扱いにする. 家家都有一本难念的经/どこの家でも悩み事があるものだ.
  • 念经的韩语:[동사] (1)〈불교〉 독경하다. =[唪fěng经] [拜bài忏(2)] (2)농담이나 풍자적인 말을 되풀이하여 말하다.
  • 念经的俄语:[niànjīng] читать молитву [сутру]
  • 念经什么意思:niàn jīng 信仰宗教的人朗读或背诵经文。
  • 推荐英语阅读
念经的英文翻译,念经英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译念经,念经的英文意思,念經的英文念经 meaning in English念經的英文念经怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
