- cast a horoscope and recite the sutra
- 念经 recite or chant scriptures
- 问卜 divine
- 求签问卜 ask the gods for an oracle; divine by drawing lot
- 求神问卜 pray to the gods and seek to ascertain by divination; beg the gods and ask of the diviner; pray and consult an oracle; seek divine advice
- 求占问卜 consult fortune-tellers
- 问卜占星学 horary astrology
- 占卦问卜 consult the oracle; inquire about by divination
- 安般念经 anapanasati sutta
- 脯历经问题 ergodic problem
- 绝经问题 menopausal problem
- 念经哭灵 resin
- 茹素念经 practice vegetarianism and recite scriptures; eat lenten fare and repeat the sutras; fasting and chanting prayers
- 身至念经 kayagatasati sutta
- 月经问题 problem of menstruation
- 执经问难 holding the classics and making inquiries -- inquiries of pupils
- 财经问题研究 research on financial and economic issues
- 逐字逐句念经 tell one's heads
- 此书一经问世便不胫而走 soon as it was published the book had a big circulation
- 那个问题你已经问过我两次了 uumbrella
- 公司以高科技创意概念经营户外广告媒体 this company operates outdoor advertising media in the concept of hitech originalityy
- 念旧 1.(不忘旧日的友谊) keep old friendships in mind2.(怀念旧时光) for old time's sake
- 念力 d confusion; mind power; psychic; psychokinesis
- 念力连击 napalm vulcan
- 念建 war memorial
- 念力增幅 psycho boost
- 念家山 nien chia shan