实现 realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce 实现改革 bring about a reform; 实现利润 profit realized; 实现四化 accomplish [realize] the four modernizations; 实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct; 实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland; 成功地实现一个目标 successfully achieve an end; 实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget; 所有这一切都不是一夜之间可以实现的。 all this cannot be achieved overnight.; 实现语言 implementation language
利润 profit 超额利润 superprofit; 企业的利润留成收入 portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use; 税前利润 pre-tax profits; 上交利润 profit turned in to the state; that part of the profit turned over to the state; 这个行业利润不大。 the profits in this business are not large.; 利润包干额 fixed profit quotas; 利润保险 profit insurance; 利润差额 profit gap; 利润定额 profit quota; 利润额 amount of profit; 利润分成 profit-sharing; 利润分成制 profit-sharing system; 利润分配 appropriation of profits; distribution of profits; 利润分享有价证券 profit sharing securities; 利润分享预测 earnings per share forecasting; 利润还原资本 capitalized profits; 利润汇回本国 repatriation of profits; 利润计划 profit-planning; 利润计量 profit measurement; 利润税 profits tax; 利润损失保险 loss of profits insurance; 利润缩减 profit squeeze; 利润再投资 reinvested earnings; reinvested profits; plough back; 利润指标 profit norm; profit index; 利润 (分配)准备 profit reserve
The enterprise must realize the profit maximization , effectively develops the human resources , must renew the idea , realizes to the human resources management transformation 企业要实现利润最大化,有效开发人力资源,就必须更新观念,实现向人力资源管理的转变。
The problem derives from the fact faced by the commercial banks : the banks gain profit by lending or investment after they absorbed in the various deposits and equity 商业银行在拥有少量资本的情况下通过吸收大量存款,然后用于发放贷款或进行投资,来实现利润。
This new capability will result in shorter sales cycles , higher response rates , increased customer loyalty , and an overall increasing in profitability 从而为企业建立一支知识化的营销队伍,以达到缩短销售周期、提高客户响应率、增强客户忠诚度,最终实现利润的提高。
In china , finance companies " profit of year 2000 was less than 3 billion yuan , although the profit ration and asset quality is the best of all the financial institutions 而我国财务公司虽然从资产收益率和资产质量来说是各种金融机构中最好的,但2002年全行业才实现利润不到30亿元。
If loans are valued at historical cost and market values are rising , the loans are likely to be sold if this is the only way of realising profit , even if the market undervalues them 如果贷款以历史成本计量并且市价上升,那么尽管市场可能低估其价值,但是在卖出是唯一实现利润的方式的情况下,贷款仍很可能被卖掉。
In practice , the method show good operability . significant conclusions : it is available in our market to get target profit and control venture by speculation and hedge combination 本论文通过理论与实证的研究,得出的结论是:利用投机加套保组合投资能有效实现利润与控制风险,在我国目前的市场状况下,是切实可行的。
China construction fifth bureau wu han company ( wu han company for short ) was founded in 1998 . unto 2005 , construction production value 112 . 1709 million rmb and profit 255 . 34 million have been achieved 中建五局武汉公司(以下简称武汉公司)成立于1998年,到2005年完成施工产值达到11217 . 09万元,实现利润255 . 34万元。
Economic performance improved steadily . national revenue reached 3 . 93 trillion yuan , a year - on - year increase of 769 . 4 billion yuan . profits of large industrial enterprises rose 31 % , an increase of 444 . 2 billion yuan 经济效益稳步提高。全国财政收入3 . 93万亿元,比上年增加7694亿元;规模以上工业企业实现利润增长31 % ,增加4442亿元。
Logistic is the third source of earning profit by enterprises , and in order to realize the profit , enterprises should leave out the out - of - date economic management mode by introducing the new rational management mode 物流业是企业第三利润的源泉,而要真正的实现利润,则须摈弃陈旧的不适应经济的管理模式,引入新的合理的管理模式。
Chapter 1 : the principle of corporate governance the purpose of the corporate governance is to increase the revenue , decrease the loss , realize the profit to its best , protect the legal interests of the company and its shareholders 第一章:公司监督理论的原野公司监督的目的,是为了公司增加收入、减少损失,实现利润最大化,维护公司和股东的合法权益。