

  • profit realized
  • realized profit



  • 例句与用法
  • The enterprise must realize the profit maximization , effectively develops the human resources , must renew the idea , realizes to the human resources management transformation
  • The problem derives from the fact faced by the commercial banks : the banks gain profit by lending or investment after they absorbed in the various deposits and equity
  • This new capability will result in shorter sales cycles , higher response rates , increased customer loyalty , and an overall increasing in profitability
  • In china , finance companies " profit of year 2000 was less than 3 billion yuan , although the profit ration and asset quality is the best of all the financial institutions
  • If loans are valued at historical cost and market values are rising , the loans are likely to be sold if this is the only way of realising profit , even if the market undervalues them
  • In practice , the method show good operability . significant conclusions : it is available in our market to get target profit and control venture by speculation and hedge combination
  • China construction fifth bureau wu han company ( wu han company for short ) was founded in 1998 . unto 2005 , construction production value 112 . 1709 million rmb and profit 255 . 34 million have been achieved
    中建五局武汉公司(以下简称武汉公司)成立于1998年,到2005年完成施工产值达到11217 . 09万元,实现利润255 . 34万元。
  • Economic performance improved steadily . national revenue reached 3 . 93 trillion yuan , a year - on - year increase of 769 . 4 billion yuan . profits of large industrial enterprises rose 31 % , an increase of 444 . 2 billion yuan
    经济效益稳步提高。全国财政收入3 . 93万亿元,比上年增加7694亿元;规模以上工业企业实现利润增长31 % ,增加4442亿元。
  • Logistic is the third source of earning profit by enterprises , and in order to realize the profit , enterprises should leave out the out - of - date economic management mode by introducing the new rational management mode
  • Chapter 1 : the principle of corporate governance the purpose of the corporate governance is to increase the revenue , decrease the loss , realize the profit to its best , protect the legal interests of the company and its shareholders
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 推荐英语阅读
实现利润的英文翻译,实现利润英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译实现利润,实现利润的英文意思,實現利潤的英文实现利润 meaning in English實現利潤的英文实现利润怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
