

  • field information



  • 例句与用法
  • The system uses the arrowhead to express the speed vector of wind field and uses the contour line and color cloud to express the height of wave field
  • Integrated geophysical well logging can detect the changes of physical characters of strata , and thus more information of physical character and geo - potential field of strata rock can be obtained
  • Doing better at making a union with the other relative enterprises but how to make this recreating ? here some suggestions will be taken forward as below : 1 . paying more attention on marketing information
    我们认为口有以下途径: 1 、时刻把握市场信恩:把握巾场信息是指把握与市场相关的一切信恩。
  • What is more , we need to remember that in order to win this war against sars , we must be ready to engage ourselves in information warfare , psychological and publicity warfare
  • A nonlinear optimization algorithm was proposed for solving the inverse problem of reconstructing the shape of a three dimensional obstacle from the information of the near - field measurements for point source fields
  • The tests with different kinds of methods showed that the wind field retrieved by vap algorithm could get the structure of meso - scale wind field correctly , and could be used to analyze the meso - scale wind field
  • Our research obtains absolute fluent incipience and general incipience information of sand thickness field and velocity field . firstly proposed a conclusion that the ratio of incipient efficiency on fluent and general incipience varies with wind speed
  • Now the world is in a information revolution society . with the development and application of database technology , people accumulate a lot of data . the enterprises all come out a phenomenon of " drown by data , hungry for knowledge "
  • For this reason , this paper analyses the differences between the accounting standards of our country and the international financial reporting standards ( ifrs ) . this article is based on information disclosure of b - share market in china and the process of international harmonization of accounting standards in china , and other researchers " research literature , and provides a detailed analysis and study . the whole article will be spread out in two dimensions , including the difference between profits after taxation of the dual annual reports and the value - relevance of the annual reports
    本文立足于我国b股市场信息披露的要求以及我国会计改革的发展历程,在对以前学者研究文献整理的基础上,对会计准则国际化效应的状况做实证研究,研究样本选取2001 ? 2004年深沪两市的b股上市公司,并且分别从净利润差异分析与会计信息含量的比较两个方面研究。
  • Exhibitors should show the related certificates and information to business acceptance department for import / export products exhibition of yiling asean commodity import & export exhibition and trade center in advance , and the center will reply the exhibitors as soon as possible and offer detailed information of the exhibition site to the exhibitors to help them make decision
    参展企业须提前将参展相关证件、资料报艺玲东盟商品进出口展示交易业务受理处, “中心”将在第一时间回复参展企业,将具体展场信息提供给参展企业决策。
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