

  • market information system
  • marketing information system



  • 例句与用法
  • Thoughts on the construction of a marketing information system for agricultural products in china
  • 3 . stated the roles of governmental and non - governmental organizations in constructing market information system of agricultural products
    3 、论述了政府和非政府组织在农产品市场信息系统建设中的作用。
  • This paper attempts to study the process and mechanism of transmitting information on the basis of analyzing the information system of securities business
  • Combined the need of agricultural product needed in market , this paper expounds the purpose and the task of constructing agricultureal product market system and puts forward the design and plan for realizing the information system
  • The basic functions of this system are ( 1 ) to provide efficient supports of agricultural products " information for operators " decision - makings ; ( 2 ) to provide information supports for the government to increase the capability of macro decision - makings , and to improve the quality of its supervisions and services
    本系统的基本功能是:为农产品生产经营者决策提供有效的市场信息支持;为政府提高宏观决策能力,改进其监管和服务水平提供信息支持。 2 、对中国农产品市场信息系统的三个子系统进行了系统的研究。
  • It consists of three parts as follows : part 1 . it deals with a general sketch of the container shipping market , the shipping market information and the market information providing system . then by ways of theories and methods from marketing and industrial economy , an analysis is conducted about the main features of the demand and supply in the container shipping market , operating parties in the market and their economic operations , marketing transactions and their functions , relating market and so on
  • There are following new explorations in the study : 1 . on the basis of the full analyses of environmental conditions and users " demands , this paper puts forward that the systematic structure of market information system of agricultural products in china should be a net " connected vertically , communicated horizontally and operated harmoniously and efficiently "
    本项研究在以下几个方面进行了一些开拓性的挖掘和探索: 1 、在全面分析中国农产品市场信息系统外部环境条件和用户需求的基础上,提出中国农产品市场信息系统结构是一个“纵向相连、横向互通、协调高效”的网络结构。
  • ( 3 ) it provides a reliable information - supporting system of decision - making for realizing governmental macro - adjustments to develop agriculture & rural areas , and for implementing all kinds of steps to advance the competence of chinese agricultural products in domestic and foreign markets guided by systematic theory and informational economics , integrating the methodology of systematic & antinomic theories , normal & positive analyses , qualitative & quantitative analyses , this dissertation systematically studies the construction of chinese market information system of agricultural products
    本项研究以系统论和信息经济学理论为指导,综合运用规范分析和实证分析相结合、定性分析和定量分析相结合的研究方法,全面系统地探讨了中国农产品市场信息系统建设问题。本论文按照系统总体设计? ?子系统研究? ?建设主体研究的思路设计了论文结构。
  • Based on various investigations and theoretical discussions on status of the construction of market information system of agricultural products , this paper keeps an eye to the functions of market information system of agricultural products , which are demanded by the development of modern rural areas . the general structure and functions of market information system of agricultural products of china have been conceived in this study . there are full and deep discussions on the subsystems of market information resource , information diffusing and information consumers
  • Thirdly , the essay analyzes the course of these questions , and brings forward the ways to improve and perfect the wholesale - market : to optimize agricultural products wholesale markets " system , to explore business wholesale - market organization , to support farmer ' s co - operative economic organization , to energize information system in the wholesale market , to strengthen the function of the government and so on
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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