哭丧着脸 put on a long face; go around with a long face; a wosbegone look; disconsolately; one looks mournful as if in bereavement.; one's face was glum.; wear [pull] a long face; with a mournful face
哭穷 go about telling people how hard up one is; complain of being hard up 不要在我面前哭穷! don't complain of being hard up before me
哭墙 al baqar wall; baqar wall al; crying wall; wailing wall of the jews; western wall
Sometimes , but very rarely , my father summoned me and my mother to the terrace of the palace ; these were hours of recreation for me , as i never saw anything in the dismal cavern but the gloomy countenances of the slaves and selim s fiery lance 有的时候,当然这种机会很少,我父亲会过来把我的母亲和我叫到露台上去,每当那时我很高兴,因为在那个阴气沉沉的洞窟里,除了奴隶们哭丧着的脸和西立姆的火枪以外,我什么都看不到。
His son obeyed , and the crowd approached ; they were bawling and hissing round a dingy hearse and dingy mourning coach , in which mourning coach there was only one mourner , dressed in the dingy trappings that were considered essential to the dignity of the position 他的儿子服从了,人群也来到了。他们正对着一辆肮脏的灵车和一辆肮脏的送葬车发出喧闹和嘘声。送葬车上只有一个哭丧的,一身公认为适合于这种庄严场合的肮脏服装。
On the crowd s opening the coach doors , the one mourner scuffled out of himself and was in their hands for a moment ; but he was so alert , and made such good use of his time , that in another moment he was scouring away up a bystreet , after shedding his cloak , hat , long hatband , white pocket handkerchief , and other symbolical tears 人群打开车门,那唯一的哭丧人只好扭打着往外挤。他被抓住了一会儿,但他很机灵,很会利用时机,转瞬之间已经沿着一条偏僻街道飞快地跑掉了,丧服帽子帽带白手绢和其它象征眼泪的玩艺儿都扔下了。
It was then that diana surprised a tender conversation between venus and mars and vowed that she would not take her eyes off them during the whole of the voyage . there was also a scene where love , played by a little twelve - year - old chit , answered every question put to her with " yes , mamma ! no , mamma ! 这一幕里还有一场戏,爱神由一个十二岁小女孩扮演,她对什么问题,都用呜啦呜啦的哭丧声音回答: “是的,妈妈不是,妈妈”朱庇特发火了,他摆出主人的威风,把小爱神关在一间黑洞洞的房间里,让她把动词“爱”变位二十次。