

  • friendly exchanges
  • friendly intercourse



  • 例句与用法
  • We must endeavour to increase international academic exchanges and expand our friendly contacts and co - operation with scientific circles in other countries
  • Hence , our people can get more benefit from the cooperation of trade and economic between our two countries . it also can reinforce the relationship between syria and china
  • This enables us to offering greater support to our chinese partners while enhancing the operational efficiency and effectiveness of our partnerships throughout china
  • International cooperation : organizing international exchanges and cooperation of industrial design and developing friendly interactions with foreign industrial design bodies , scholars and professionals
  • Warning : all right reserved by shenzhen changlilai technology co , . ltd . , including pictures used in this catalogue , anyone who uses these information without authorization will be illegal
  • The white pagoda , upside - down alms bowl in design , is the biggest buddhist pagoda of the yuan dynasty ever discovered and preserved in china , being the oldest buddhist pagoda in beijing area
  • Finally , sri lanka president made a brief review for the 50 years ' sino - sri lanka diplomatic relations establishment , and put forward reasonable suggestion and opinion to the both sides economy and trade investment cooperation in the future , unceasingly deepened the friendly intercourse relations of the two countries promote the economy and trade intercourse relations of the two countries , china will certainly become the important investment partner in sri lanka
  • The hotel has kinds of guests rooms 102 , 4 sets of deluxe suites , 11 sets of business suites , 77 sets of deluxe standard rooms , 6 sets of deluxe single rooms . in the room can look out potala palace which famous all over the world . hotel repast has chinese restaurant , west style restaurant , tea bar , wine bar , 1 vip box , 5 deluxe special boxes , 1 banquet hall which can accommodates more than 200 persons have meal at the same time ; hotel has three kinds large , middle , small scales meeting rooms , mul - function can accommodate 150 persons holding newspaper publish meeting or products popularize meeting and so on . the commercial conference room can hold 40 people and carry on the commercial activity and can offer professional commercial secretary service , honored guest reception room can hold 10 people go on the party of exchange of friendly visits and can offer ideal private space
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