So lately if your relationship has gone sour , or if something is not good in the family , you must think again whether you really want to get rid of this woman or this man , or if you have made a mistake , and what would happen if she were really gone 如果你们的婚姻关系已经出现裂痕,或家庭不和睦,那就要慎重考虑,看看自己是不是确实想要和对方分手,或是因为自己本身出了问题的关系。想看看如果她真的走了,会变成怎么样?
If you ask me , said prince andrey , not looking at his father it was the first time in his life that he had blamed his father , i did not wish to speak of itbut , if you ask me , ill tell you my opinion frankly in regard to the whole matter . if there is any misunderstanding and estrangement between you and masha , i cant blame her for iti know how she loves and respects you “假如您问我, ”安德烈公爵两眼不望他父亲,说道这是他有生以来第一次责备父亲“我原来不想这样说,可是如果您真要问我,那么我就坦白地将我对这一切的意见讲给您听,因为我知道玛莎是非常敬爱您的,若是说您和她之间有什么误会和不和睦的话,那么我千万不能责怪她。