鸭: duck四: four宝: treasure; treasured object烩鸭四宝: souof stewed duck“four delicacies烧鸭四宝: roasted duck“four delicacies石锅鸭四宝: duck“four-treasures”in casserole糟烩鸭四宝: four duck delicacies四宝: yuqiansibao扒四宝: sautéed four delicacies in sauce烩四宝: a orted duck with “four-delicacies; assorted duck with “four-delicacies”四宝汤: four delicaciessoup; four treasures soup; “four delicacies”soup氽四宝: quick-boiled“fourdelicacies”鸭四毛滴虫: tetratrichomonas anatis白烧四宝: braised four-treasures鲍鱼四宝: braised mixed abalone鸡油四宝: “four delicacies”in chicken oil奶油素四宝: quatre assortiments à la crème浓汤四宝: seafood soup清汤四宝: four delicacies soup四宝豆腐羹: steam tofu soup四宝滑鸡扎: chicken & meat pack四宝烤夫: preserved bean curd with peanuts and fungus四宝烤麸: marinated bran dough with peanuts and black fungus四宝上汤: four-treasures soup素烧四宝: four vegetable delicacies