- acceleration of upper jet stream
- 高空: high altitude; upper air; we ...
- 急流: torrent; rapid stream; rapid ...
- 低空急流: low altitude jet flow; low-level jet
- 急流: 1.(湍急的水流) torrent; rapid stream; rapids; sault; swift; chute; rush 闯过急流险滩 sweep over rapids and shoals2.[气象学] (大气中狭窄的强风带) jet stream; jet flow
- 高空: high altitude; upper air; welkin◇高空病 airsickness; altitude sickness; aeroembolism; hypobaropathy; hypsonosis; 高空舱 stratochamber; 高空槽 high-level trough; trough aloft; upper-level trough; [气象学] upper trough; 高空测高计 aerohypso meter; 高空吊车 gondola; 高空飞机 high-altitude aircraft; 高空飞行 high-altitude flight; 高空飞行器 high-altitude vehicle; 高空核爆炸 nuclear explosion in high altitude; 高空核试验 high-altitude nuclear test; 高空轰炸 [军事] high-altitude bombing; 高空气球 aerostat; high altitude balloon; 高空气象图 aerographical chart; pastagram; 高空气象学 aerology; 高空缺氧 high altitude anoxia; 高空试验舱 altitude test cell; 高空试验室 altichamber; altitude chamber; 高空实验室 high-altitude laboratory; 高空探测 aerological sounding; 高空探测火箭 high-altitude rocket; altitude rocket; 高空跳伞 high altitude bailout; 高空云(对流层以上) upper cloud; 高空云层 upper cloud layer; 高空侦察 high altitude surveillance; 高空作业 work high above the ground