

[ gāokōng ] 发音:   "高空"的汉语解释   用"高空"造句
  • high altitude; upper air; welkin
    ◇高空病 airsickness; altitude sickness; aeroembolism; hypobaropathy; hypsonosis; 高空舱 stratochamber; 高空槽 high-level trough; trough aloft; upper-level trough; [气象学] upper trough; 高空测高计 aerohypso meter; 高空吊车 gondola; 高空飞机 high-altitude aircraft; 高空飞行 high-altitude flight; 高空飞行器 high-altitude vehicle; 高空核爆炸 nuclear explosion in high altitude; 高空核试验 high-altitude nuclear test; 高空轰炸 [军事] high-altitude bombing; 高空气球 aerostat; high altitude balloon; 高空气象图 aerographical chart; pastagram; 高空气象学 aerology; 高空缺氧 high altitude anoxia; 高空试验舱 altitude test cell; 高空试验室 altichamber; altitude chamber; 高空实验室 high-altitude laboratory; 高空探测 aerological sounding; 高空探测火箭 high-altitude rocket; altitude rocket; 高空跳伞 high altitude bailout; 高空云(对流层以上) upper cloud; 高空云层 upper cloud layer; 高空侦察 high altitude surveillance; 高空作业 work high above the ground
  • 超高空:    superaltitude; ultrahigh altitude
  • 高空;高地:    high altitude
  • 高空病:    aeroembolism; airsickness; altitude disease; balloon sickness; bends; boiling blood; high-altitude sickness; hypobaropathy; mountain sickness
  • 高空舱:    altitude chamber; stratochamberr
  • 高空槽:    high-level trough; trough aloft; upper level trough; upper trough; upper-level trough


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Over the polar regions we should see aurora .
  2. High up among the bulging clouds thunder went off like a gun .
  3. But at the moment of maximum peril the upper sky was unguarded .
  4. This artificial hurricane rushed like a waterspout through the air .
  5. Above twenty thousand feet the stars were nearly always visible .


        超高空:    superaltitude; ultrahigh altitude
        高空;高地:    high altitude
        高空病:    aeroembolism; airsickness; altitude disease; balloon sickness; bends; boiling blood; high-altitude sickness; hypobaropathy; mountain sickness
        高空舱:    altitude chamber; stratochamberr
        高空槽:    high-level trough; trough aloft; upper level trough; upper trough; upper-level trough
        高空的:    aerological; high-altitude; upper
        高空锋:    high level front; upper air front; upper front; upper-air front
        高空风:    aloft wind; high altitude wind; u er wind; upper winds; upper-air wind; upper-level winds; wind aloft; wind-aloft; winds aloft
        高空服:    high altitude coveralls
        高空脊:    high ridge; high-level ridge; ridge aloft; upper ridge; upper-level ridge
        高空流:    upper current
        高空跳:    high jump
        高空图:    high altitude chart; upper air chart; upper level chart; upper-air chart; upper-level chart
        高空线:    overhead cable
        高空性:    altitude capability
        高空烟:    smoke aloft
        高空云:    upper cloud
        高空站:    aerological sounding; upper layer station
        高空霾:    haze aloft
        在高空:    upstairs
        高空风;高空气流:    u er wind; u er-air wind; u er-airwind; u erwind
        超高空爆炸:    ultrahigh altitude burst
        超高空飞行:    super high altitude flight; superhigh altitude flight
        超高空轰炸:    ultrahigh-altitude bombing
        高坑:    gaokeng
        高空靶标:    high-altitude target


        高空的法语:名 haute altitude;la haute atmosphère~作业travail sur pylône;travail de haute charpente;travail en hauteur
        高空的日语:高空.高い空. 高空飞行/高空飛行. 高空气象学/高空気象学.
        高空的韩语:[명사] (1)고공. 高空飞行; 고공비행 高空病; 고공병 (2)높은 곳.
        高空的俄语:[gāokōng] высь; большая высота; высотный 高空作业 [gāokōng zuòyè] — высотные работы
        高空什么意思:gāokōng 距地面较高的空间:~飞行丨~作业。


  1. "高克伦"英文
  2. "高克姆"英文
  3. "高克亭"英文
  4. "高客户满意"英文
  5. "高坑"英文
  6. "高空;高地"英文
  7. "高空靶标"英文
  8. "高空爆炸"英文
  9. "高空鼻窦炎"英文
  10. "高空鼻窦影响"英文


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