高: tall; high提: carry肘: elbow高提肘划水: over the barrel高提肘移臂: high elbow recovery提肘: elbow lift; lift the elbow up高提幅: high boost高提肩: lift the shoulders high高提瑞: victor gutierrez提肘拉: strong pulling power高提取率: high extraction开始提肘: low pull提肘划水: elbow-up pull提肘姿势: elbow high position直立提肘: abductor lift; adductor lift高提取率, 高出粉率: high extraction艾高提内源性c型逆转簿: agouti endogenous type c retrovirus高体白甲鱼: onychostoma alticorpus高体斑鲆: deepbody flounder高体波鱼: harlequin rasbora