驳: refute; rebut; argue; contra ...得: need某人: a certain person哑口无言: be rendered speechless; be d ...驳倒: demolish sb.'s argument; ove ...驳得某人哑口无言, 驳倒某人, 杀死某人: put sb to silence用眼睛瞪得某人哑口无言: stare sb. into silence驳倒某人: argue down; put sb. to silence使哑口无言: silence哑口无言: be rendered speechless; be dumbfounded; be left without an argument; be put down; be reduced to silence; be struck dumb; be stumped; (he) closed (his) mouth and had nothing to say.; have nothing to say for oneself; inarticulate; keep mute as a maggot; keep silent; put to silence; shut up when defeated in an argument; strike dumb; there is nothing more one can say.; tongue-tied 他论辩有力, 把对方说得哑口无言。 his forceful arguments silenced his opponent她用尖刻的挖苦话使人哑口无言: she squelched them with biting sarcasm你为什么哑口无言: cat got your tongue使批评者哑口无言: silenced his critics晃倒某人: shake sb. off难倒某人: off the toof one’s head射倒某人: shoot sb esso as to kill or seriously injure him撞倒某人: knock over sb使对手哑口无言的辩论: squelchsquelcher拜倒某人脚下: worshithe ground sb. treads on得某人欢心: be in sb.'s good books; i ‘sfavor; in sb’s favor弄得某人哭: reduce someone to tears他论辩有力把对方说得哑口无言: his forceful arguments silenced his opponent逼得某人自杀: drive sb to suicide博得某人的爱: earn sb.'s love win sb.'s love博得某人欢心: no.to get into somebody's good graces