- 饥荒: famine; crop failure
- 领域: territory; domain; field; re ...
- 饥荒: 1.(庄稼收成不好或无收成) famine; crop failure 发生了饥荒。 a famine broke forth. 每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。 many people die during famines every year. 饥荒迫在眉睫。 famine stared us in the face. 数千人死于饥荒。 thousands died of famine.2.[口语] (经济困难) be hard up; be hard pressed for money; be short of money3.[口语] (债) debt 拉饥荒 run into debt
- 饥荒的: poor short
- 饥荒期: hunger gap