飞扬: fly upward; rise的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...飞扬的梦: flying dreams飞扬的年代: liberty heights轻舞飞扬的摇钱树: flyindance飞扬: 1.(向上飘起) fly upward; rise 歌声飞扬。 songs were floating.;the sound of singing rang out.2.[穴位] feiyang (b 58)大飞扬: faber bauhinia branchlet or root飞扬草: garden euphorbia herb; hairy euphorbia; hairy spurge; herba euphorbiae hirtae飞扬岛: piyang do; piyang-do飞扬风: mystars飞扬喉: hematoma of uvula小飞扬: hairy euphorbia于飞扬: feiyang yu褒扬的: testimonial飘扬的: aflutter; flyaway; flying上扬的: bullish颂扬的: eulogistical; laudative; laudatory抑扬的: inflectional; inflective; inflexional悠扬的: melodious , rising and falling赞扬的: praiseful彩云飞扬: rswn尘土飞扬: the dust was blowing.; a huge cloud of dust rose.; dust swirls in the air.; the dust is rising in clouds.: 风吹得尘土飞扬。 the dust was blown about by the wind达芙 神采飞扬: hilary duff most wanted大飞扬草: gardenia 10:gardenia jasminoides zhi zi飞飞扬扬: spread embroidered stories