悠扬: rising and falling; melodiou ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...悠扬的歌声: melodious singing声调悠扬的声乐家: melodist悠扬: rising and falling; melodious 悠扬的歌声 melodious singing琴声悠扬: sweet, lingering music was being played on the lute琴韵悠扬: sweet music was being played on the lute. rhyme悠扬山林: unrestrained in the mountain and forest悠悠扬扬: soft and ringing褒扬的: testimonial飞扬的: flappy飘扬的: aflutter; flyaway; flying上扬的: bullish颂扬的: eulogistical; laudative; laudatory抑扬的: inflectional; inflective; inflexional赞扬的: praiseful昂扬的歌声: spirited singing表扬的准则: approbation maxim臭名远扬的: notorious大肆宣扬的: tub-thumping得意扬扬的: triumphant飞扬的梦: flying dreams飞扬的年代: liberty heights名声远扬的: far-famed飘扬的旗帜: flying colors