

发音:   用"风采不减当年"造句
  • as good-looking as ever


        风采:    elegant demeanour; graceful ...
        不减当年:    just like one's old self
        不减当年:    just like one's old self (in appearance, bearing, etc.)
        他的精力不减当年:    he is as energetic as ever. the prime of life
        老张的干劲仍旧不减当年:    lao zhang is still full of energy as in the old days
        他人虽老了干劲却不减当年:    old as he is he works just as hard as he did in his younger days
        风采:    (美好的仪表举止;神采) elegant demeanour; graceful bearing; elegant appearance
        不减:    ashley; leon
        当年:    当年1.(过去某一时间) in those years; in those days 这是当年白求恩大夫用的手术刀。 this is the scalpel which norman bethune used in those days. 想当年, 这里还没有火车呢! well, in those days there was no railway here. 他的精力不减当年。 he is as energetic as ever.2.(身强力壮时) the prime of life 她正当年。 she is in her prime.
        伐采不足量:    undercut
        注采不平衡:    voidage-injection imbalane
        不减的:    indestructible
        不减价:    no red. = no reduction
        不减少:    dnr do not reduce
        不减性:    indestructibility
        不减压:    no decompression
        衰减当量:    attenuation equivalent
        当年冰:    first year ice
        当年的:    within-year
        当年度:    current year
        当年情:    former love; piano solo; the passion of old times
        当年事:    amarcord
        当年鱼:    underyearling; yearling fish; young-of-the year
        想当年:    amarcord
        忆当年:    old fashioned


  1. "风布植物"英文
  2. "风步的"英文
  3. "风裁尘"英文
  4. "风采"英文
  5. "风采, 态度, 样子, 外表, 面条"英文
  6. "风采的尸体"英文
  7. "风采动人"英文
  8. "风采姐妹"英文
  9. "风采依然"英文
  10. "风采韵秀"英文


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