囊肿: hydatoncus; cystis; hygroma; ...摘除: excise; remove; extirpation术: art; skill; technique胰囊肿摘除术: resection of pancreatic cyst颌骨囊肿手术摘除术: extirpation of jaw cyst结膜囊肿摘除术: removal of conjunctival cyst唾液腺囊肿摘除术: enucleation of cyst of salivary gland颌骨囊肿: cyst of jaw; jaw cyst牙原性颌骨囊肿: odontogenic jaw cyst颌骨囊肿刮治术: curettage of jaw cyst肩胛骨囊肿刮除术: curettage of cyst of scapula肩胛骨囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of scapula锁骨囊肿刮除术: curettage of cyst of clavicle锁骨囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of clavicle颌骨动脉瘤性骨囊肿: aneurysmal bone cyst of jaw股骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of femur骨囊肿: bone cyst尺骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of ulna桡骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of radius肱骨囊肿切除术或刮除: excision or curettage of bone cyst of humerus胫骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of tibia腓骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of fibula肋骨分叉基底细胞痣-颌骨囊肿综合征: bsasal cell nevi syndrome摘除术: ablation跟骨骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of calcaneus