腓骨: perone; fibulare; fibula; pa ...囊肿: hydatoncus; cystis; hygroma; ...切除: excision; resection; absciss ...或: nǎi-.刮除术: excochleation; curettement; ...尺骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of ulna桡骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of radius胫骨囊肿切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of tibia股骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of femur肱骨囊肿切除术或刮除: excision or curettage of bone cyst of humerus跟骨骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of calcaneus距骨骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of talus腕骨骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of carpal bones腓骨良性肿瘤切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of benign tumor of fibula肩胛骨囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of scapula锁骨囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of clavicle尺骨良性肿瘤切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of benign tumor of ulna桡骨良性肿瘤切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of benign tumor of radius胫骨良性肿瘤切除或刮除术: excision or curettage of benign tumor of tibia囊肿切除术: cystectomy肩胛骨囊肿刮除术: curettage of cyst of scapula锁骨囊肿刮除术: curettage of cyst of clavicle肺囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of lung鳃囊肿切除术: resection of branchial cyst肾囊肿切除术: excision of cyst of kidney