

发音:   用"领导奖"造句
  • leadership award


  1. Mayor of busan is invited to issue best marketing event award to guangzhou china and best marketing leader award to qingdao china
    (三)请韩国釜山市市长颁发最佳市场活动奖(中国广州市)和最佳市场领导奖(中国青岛市) 。


        领导:    lead; exercise leadership
        :    encourage; praise; reward; c ...
        调查报导奖:    investigative reporting
        独家报导奖:    beat reporting
        国际报导奖:    international reporting
        僵尸教导奖:    undead educational scholarship
        领导:    1.(率领并引导前进) lead; exercise leadership 领导我们从胜利走向胜利 lead us from victory to victory; 领导现代化建设工作 exercise leadership in modernization program; 担任领导工作 shoulder the responsibility of leadership; hold a leading position; 他们忍无可忍, 领导乡亲们拿起武器准备行动。 driven beyond endurance, they led the villagers to arm themselves and prepare for action.2.(领导者) leadership; leader 领导要深入群众。 leaders should go among the masses.; 领导班子 leading group [body]; 领导成份 leading sector; composition of the leadership; 领导方法 method of leadership; 领导方式 leadership style; 领导方针 guiding policy; 领导干部 leading cadre [officials]; 领导骨干 the backbone of the leadership; mainstay [backbone; key] members of the leadership; 领导核心 leading nucleus; the core of leadership; 领导机关 leading body [organ]; 领导集团 leading group; 领导权 leadership; authority; overall control; 领导人 leader; 领导体制 leadership structure; 领导小组 leading group; 领导艺术 leadership skill; the art of leadership;领导作用 leading role
        国内新闻报导奖:    national reporting
        解释性新闻报导奖:    explanatory journalism
        突发新闻报导奖:    breaking news
        最佳舞蹈指导奖:    best dance direction
        最佳喜剧指导奖:    comedy direction
        最佳艺术指导奖:    best art direction award
        领导,领导层:    leadership
        工头,领导:    crew leader
        领导,带头:    take the lead
        领导层:    executive level
        领导车:    leading car
        领导的:    leading
        领导干:    lead 2
        领导价:    leader price
        领导力:    leadership challenge; leadership skills
        领导权:    hegemony; leadership authority
        领导人:    director; head; journey to the overseer; leadership; project leader
        领导学:    entrepreneurship; leadership


  1. "领导技巧培训"英文
  2. "领导技巧与有效团队建设"英文
  3. "领导价"英文
  4. "领导价格"英文
  5. "领导价格, 价格上的领导地位"英文
  6. "领导交易理论"英文
  7. "领导角色"英文
  8. "领导教学大纲一部分的课程"英文
  9. "领导阶层"英文
  10. "领导精修及发展课程"英文


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