

  • in-line bank
  • :    in the same direction as; wi ...
  • 布置:    fix up; arrange; decorate
  • 管束:    restrain; check; control
  • 顺列布置:    in line arrangement; in-line arrangement
  • 顺列式布置:    inline


        :    in the same direction as; wi ...
        布置:    fix up; arrange; decorate
        管束:    restrain; check; control
        顺列布置:    in line arrangement; in-line arrangement
        顺列式布置:    inline
        呈行列布置:    be located in-line
        串列布置:    tandem
        错列布置:    stagger
        单列布置:    single row layout
        排列布置:    spread arrangement
        管束布置:    tube bundle arrangement
        管子错列布置:    staggered tube layout
        交错排列布置:    staggered line pattern
        接缝排列布置:    jointing arrangement
        顺列:    in line arrangement; omega sequence; sequnce
        系统的布置管理:    systematic layout planning
        直列式布置顺列式管簇布置在管路中:    in-line
        管束:    1.(约束) restrain; check; control 严加管束 keep sb. under strict control; 这些孩子不听管束。 the children were beyond control.2.(成捆的管子) pipe bundle; pipe column
        全顺列:    all permutation
        顺列论:    syntax
        顺列体:    syntax
        布置:    1.(安排和陈列; 摆设) fix up; arrange; decorate 布置会场 fix up a place for a meeting; 布置就绪 complete the disposition of; 布置陈列品 layout the exhibits on display; 房间布置得很漂亮。the room was beautifully decorated.2.(安排) assign; make arrangements for; arrangement; positioning; layout; give instructions about 布置家庭作业 assign homework; 布置工作 assign work; give instructions about an assignment; 布置政治学习 make arrangements for political study; 布置炮眼 hole placing; 布置图 arrangement plan
        八碱基顺列:    octamer sequence
        顺列代码:    inline code
        顺列管排:    inline tubes


  1. "顺良"英文
  2. "顺聊"英文
  3. "顺料前流萃取级数"英文
  4. "顺列"英文
  5. "顺列布置"英文
  6. "顺列代码"英文
  7. "顺列管排"英文
  8. "顺列恢复"英文
  9. "顺列论"英文
  10. "顺列式布置"英文


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