It tell us : the abrasive capability of fly ash ; the similar calculation of ash erosion ; the calculation of ash erosion in the tube in turn and tube out of turn ; the reason of tube abrasion for gas flue ; the influence of air parameter for fly ash erosion ; the influence of changing temperature ; the influence of the flue gas composition , etc . next , it advances the solving measure ; reduce the flue gas velocity ; reduce the concentration of fly ash ; responsible construction : replace smooth tube with spiral tube ; use the new material of abrasion ; fuel desulfurization ; reduce so3 of flue gas ; raise flue gas temperature , making it up the dew point ; use the abrasion - resistance material to resist abrasion 讨论了飞灰磨损性能、管壁受飞灰冲蚀的近似计算、灰粒对顺列管和错列管的磨损计算、烟气走廊引起对流管束的磨损机理、空气动力参数对飞灰冲蚀的影响以及受热面壁温变化及烟气成份对飞灰磨损的影响等问题。接着提出了解决的措施:降低平均烟气流速;降低飞灰浓度;使用鳍片管、螺旋翅片管代替光管;选择合适的结构及排列方式,减少烟气中so3的含量;提高受热面壁温使之大于烟气的露点温度;采用抗腐蚀材料作受热面等防腐蚀的措施。
顺: in the same direction as; wi ...全顺列: all permutation顺列论: syntax顺列体: syntax八碱基顺列: octamer sequence顺列布置: in line arrangement; in-line arrangement顺列代码: inline code顺列管排: inline tubes顺列恢复: in-line recovery顺列式布置: inline顺列式枢纽: longitudinal arrangement type junction terminal顺列布置管束: in-line bank直列式布置顺列式管簇布置在管路中: in-line顺料前流萃取级数: forward extraction stage顺聊: dow tream顺良: nobuyoshi顺恋统: flow through system顺廉加热器: direct flow water heater