

发音:   用"革命气概"造句
  • revolutionary spirit
  • 革命:    revolution; revolutionary
  • 气概:    lofty quality; mettle; spiri ...
  • 革命气节:    revolutionary integrity
  • 革命气派:    revolutionary mettle
  • 气概:    lofty quality; mettle; spirit; heroic manner 缺乏军人气概 lack of military spirit; 英雄气概 heroic mettle; 有大丈夫气概 play the man; 同敌人血战到底的气概 the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of one's blood


  1. It is highly important that we ( should ) combine revolutionary sweep with practicalness
  2. The basic point of china s policy lies in guaranteeing the stability and development of newly formed new china , but in forced cases , do not hesitate to resort to arms with the no . 1 powerful country of the world with the dauntless revolutionary spirit , " resist u . s . aggression and aid korea and protect our homes and defend our country "
    中国政策的基点在于保证刚刚成立的新中国的稳定和发展,但在迫不得已的情况下,以大无畏的革命气概不惜与世界头号强国兵戎相见, “抗美援朝,保家卫国” 。
  3. The basic point of the russian policy lies in realizing that carries on the strategy of military confrontation with u . s . a . , expand the soviet union s sphere of influence in the far east timely , make every effort and prevent from and the direct military conflict take place with u . s . a . in case of not doing a good job of the adequate preparation yet in the soviet union
    苏联政策的基点在于实现与美国进行军事对抗的战略,不失时机地扩大苏联在远东的势力范围,但在苏联本身尚未做好充分准备的情况下则力求避免与美国发生直接的军事冲突。中国政策的基点在于保证刚刚成立的新中国的稳定和发展,但在迫不得已的情况下,以大无畏的革命气概不惜与世界头号强国兵戎相见, “抗美援朝,保家卫国” 。


        革命:    revolution; revolutionary
        气概:    lofty quality; mettle; spiri ...
        革命气节:    revolutionary integrity
        革命气派:    revolutionary mettle
        气概:    lofty quality; mettle; spirit; heroic manner 缺乏军人气概 lack of military spirit; 英雄气概 heroic mettle; 有大丈夫气概 play the man; 同敌人血战到底的气概 the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of one's blood
        革命:    revolution; revolutionary 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; 革命干劲 revolutionary impetus; 革命气概 revolutionary spirit; 革命气节 revolutionary integrity; 革命热情 revolutionary fervour; 敢挑革命重担 dare to shoulder heavy responsibilities for the revolution; 革命加拼命 revolutionary enthusiasm plus death-defying spirit; 被压迫的人民纷纷起来革命。 the oppressed people are rising in revolution wave upon wave.; 革命暴力 revolutionary violence; 革命博物馆 revolutionary museum; 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 革命导师 a teacher of the revolution; 革命道路 revolutionary road; 革命动力 motive force of revolution; 革命对象 targets of the revolution; 革命风格 revolutionary style; 革命歌曲 revolutionary song; 革命根据地 revolutionary base areas; 革命公墓 cemetery for revolutionaries; 革命家 revolutionary; revolutionist; 革命化 revolutionize; do sth. in a revolutionary way; make more revolutionary; 革命回忆录 reminiscences of earlier revolutionary times; 革命军 revolutionary army; 革命军人 revolutionary armyman; 革命浪漫主义 revolutionary romanticism; 革命乐观主义 revolutionary optimism; 革命理论 revolutionary theory; 革命烈士 revolutionary martyr; 革命领导权 revolutionary leadership; 革命领袖 revolutionary leader; 革命派 revolutionaries; 革命青年 revolutionary youth; 革命人道主义 revolutionary humanitarianism; 革命任务 task of revolution; 革命实践 revolutionary practice; 革命首创精神 the revolutionary pioneering spirit; 革命同盟军 revolutionary allied forces; 革命危机 revolutionary crisis; 革命委员会 revolutionary committee; 革命现实主义 revolutionary realism; 革命形势 revolutionary situation; 革命性 revolutionary nature; revolutionary character; 革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism; 革命运动 revolutionary movement; 革命战争 revolutionary war; 革命者 revolutionary; 革命知识分子 revolutionary intellectual
        大丈夫气概:    masculinity
        高尚的气概:    high mind
        豪迈的气概:    heroic spirit
        男儿气概:    spirit of man
        男性气概:    he-man
        男子气概:    machismomanliness; man---manhood; manly; masculine a; virility
        男子气概的:    manful
        男子气概地:    manfully
        骑士的气概:    knightly qualities virtues etc
        骑士气概:    chivalry
        天气概况:    general weather condition
        无男子气概:    unmanliness
        英雄气概:    (with) sublime heroism; heroic spirit [mettle]
        丈夫气概:    manliness
        趁生命气息逗留:    for a breath i tarry
        我是你的生命气息:    i could be your breath of life
        高等英雄气概:    great heroism; heroism greater; heroism, greater
        缺乏军人气概:    lack of military spirit
        缺少男子气概:    lady like


  1. "革命孟加拉国"英文
  2. "革命怒潮汹涌澎湃"英文
  3. "革命女儿会"英文
  4. "革命派"英文
  5. "革命派左翼分子"英文
  6. "革命气节"英文
  7. "革命气派"英文
  8. "革命前辈"英文
  9. "革命前的法国的最高等法院"英文
  10. "革命前夕"英文


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