- face uto
- 面对: face; confront
- 承担: bear; undertake; assume
- 面对困难,承担责任: face the music
- 承担: bear; undertake; assume 承担法律责任 bear legal liability; 承担风险 acceptance of risk; 承担经济责任 undertake financial responsibility; 承担赔偿损失费用 respond in damages; 承担赔偿责任 honor one's liability; 承担票据上的义务 liable for a bill of exchange; 承担一切费用 bear all the costs; 承担义务 commit oneself; be committed to; accept the responsibility for; 承担由此而产生的一切严重后果 bear responsibility [be held responsible] for all the serious consequences arising therefrom; 承担重任 take on heavy responsibilities; take a heavy task upon oneself; 承担费 commitment fee; (道路) 承担交通量 carrying traffic; (工业) 承担能力 ability to take the burden of (industry); 承担债务 incurred obligation; (价值的) 承担者 deposit of value; (生产的) 承担者 agents (of production)
- 面对: face; confront 面对听众 front the audience; 我们必须乐观地面对未来。 we must confront future with optimism. 他勇敢地面对困难。 he faced up to his troubles manfully. 面对证据, 他承认有罪。 faced with the evidence, he confessed himself quilty. 我的卧室面对公园。 my bedroom looks on to the garden