Given the abilities of generating all kinds of ideal and not ideal signals , it has been widely used in the domains of communication , radar , navigation and astronavigation 它可以产生各种理想及非理想的波形信号,是电子工程师、生产线以及教学科研的重要测试设备,广泛用于通信、雷达、导航、宇航等领域。
The cross section of modulator electrodes we study is trapezoidal but not rectangular in common , so it is necessary to make an analysis of the effects of trapezoidal electrodes on the characteristics of coplanar waveguide 由于实际的电极横截面形状是梯形而非理想的矩形结构,研究梯形电极中间电极角度和地电极角度对调制器特征参量影响是十分有必要的。
In synthetic aperture radar ( sar ) and inverse sar ( isar ) imaging , most image algorithms are based on the model of standard scattering centers . but the scattering of targets is complexity , the standard scattering centers model cannot describe all scattering centers of target 大部分雷达二维成像算法都是基于理想散射中心模型的,而真实目标散射的复杂性使之无法满足理想散射中心模型的假设条件,它包含了许多非理想的散射中心。
The general signal sources represented by arbitrary waveform generator ( awg ) have become the most popular instruments in modern testing domains . awg can not only generate conventional waves such as sine wave , triangle wave , square wave , etc , but also generate unconventional waves such as linear frequency modulation wave , phrase modulation wave , amplitude modulation wave etc , the most important , it can create arbitrary wave 由于它可产生包括各种理想及非理想的波形信号,不但可以产生纯净的正弦波、方波、三角波等常规波形,而且可以产生线性调频、调相、调幅信号以及程控占空比的低占空比方波,更为重要的是,能够根据用户测试需求生成任意波形。