Despite angel clare s plausible representations to himself and to tess of the practical need for their immediate marriage , there was in truth an element of precipitancy in the step , as became apparent at a later date . he loved her dearly , though perhaps rather ideally and fancifully than with the impassioned thoroughness of her feeling for him 他很爱苔丝,但是同苔丝对他的爱比起来,他的爱是偏于理想的爱,耽于想象的爱,而苔丝的爱却是一种热烈的爱,一种情深意浓的爱。
理想: ideal的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...爱: love理想的: abstract; desirable; idealized; perfect; true不够理想的: dissatisfactory不理想的: unfavorable非理想的: imperfect; nonideal理想的,典型的: ideal理想的,想象的: ideal理想的;观念的: ideal a理想的标准: ideal standard理想的长度: desired size理想的房屋: a dream house kitchen理想的工作: dream jobs; my ideal job理想的国土: the land of heart’s desire理想的尽头: archer理想的仆人: lesson the ideal servant理想的赏罚: poetic justice理想的天气: ideal weather理想的丈夫: an ideal husband没理想的: idealless素理想的秩: rank of a prime ideal有理想的: ambitious最理想的: optimal达到(理想的状态): attain to